Building refurbishment

The focus of construction activity has shifted towards renovating old buildings, and the new building subsidies are also primarily aimed at promoting renovation. The trade fair provides information on energy-efficient modernization measures and sustainable building materials, gives an overview of the possibilities for renovating old buildings and presents exhibitors from the fields of consulting, planning, trade, commerce and manufacturers.

The Saxon Energy Agency - SAENA GmbH will be advising builders and homeowners on new builds and small or extensive renovations at the trade fair. Architects and engineers will be on hand to answer questions in person. Selected topics include modern, subsidizable and efficient heating systems, photovoltaic systems with and without electricity storage, current building and insulation materials, the prevention and remediation of mould damage, radon protection measures and current subsidy programmes. Energy and fuel prices have risen sharply in recent months and there is no end in sight to the price increases. Citizens, local authorities and companies are increasingly concerned about how the rising costs can be met in the future. One way of counteracting the constantly rising costs is, for example, low-investment or investment-based energy efficiency measures. Many measures are also supported and subsidized by the federal government. You can find out what actually makes sense for you in a personal consultation with our energy experts.

For visitors

Online tickets

Partner trade fair HAUS

Presentation offer in spring

HAUS 2025 will take place from March 6 - 9, 2025!
More information at

Building Buying Living

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